
6 innovative wind factories in Europe funded by the EU

6 innovative wind factories in Europe funded by the EU

New rotors, a sustainable tower manufacturing plant, and a production line for next-generation wind power drivetrains. These are some of the innovative wind projects funded by the European Union through the latest call of the Innovation Fund. Six initiatives out of more than 80 in this round will lead to the establishment of wind factories across Europe.

WindEurope has commented positively on the results of the call, expressing satisfaction with the selection of winners. ‘The European Commission has finally begun adapting its innovation strategy,’ said WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson. ‘It is moving from technology-neutral R&I support to scaling up clean technology production. This is the way to ensure technological leadership, enhance climate protection, and strengthen the EU’s industrial competitiveness.’

The winning projects will be located in Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Spain, and include the production of wind turbine generators, XXL towers for offshore wind farms, new rotor designs, and small to medium-sized wind systems.

Here is a detailed look at the new wind factory projects:

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