

Rinnovabili • G20 Rio climate finance: towards an agreement, a boost for COP29
The G20 in Rio could unlock climate finance at COP29

The draft final agreement of the G20 finds a compromise between wealthier countries and developing nations on who should contribute to the climate finance goal. This is…

Rinnovabili • Sustainable finance: a new guide aligned with the UN SDGs
A new compass for sustainable finance…

The network led by JP Morgan and Natixis banks has published the…

Rinnovabili • Immediately triple global investments in renewables, a gap of 3.8 TW is at risk by 2030
Immediately triple global investments in renewables,…

Irena updates estimates on the clean energy trajectory toward the goals set…

Rinnovabili • sustainable development
Global Citizen Impact Funds to accelerate sustainable development

The non-profit Global Citizen, in collaboration with NPX, launches a series of funds to support development…

Rinnovabili • co2 tax
CBAM European, what does the new CO2 Tax at the border?

It will come into force three years earlier, in 2032, and will also cover hydrogen, ammonia,…

Rinnovabili •
Banks, a global guide to managing climate risk

Basel Committee’s 15-page document suggests changes that credit institutions should make to risk management, decision-making processes…

Rinnovabili • Sustainable investments
World’s largest asset manager accelerates sustainable investment to 2030

The world’s largest investment firm, Blackrock, has outlined what the "climate" composition of its portfolio will…

Rinnovabili • climate finance
The G7 stutters on climate finance. Looking forward to becoming a “Climate…

No significant progress was made since the COP26 of November 2021, when it had managed to…

Rinnovabili • gas-investments
Green taxonomy: gas investments in London are sustainable

Trade Secretary Kwarteng is preparing a similar measure to the EU’s green taxonomy to stimulate new…

Rinnovabili • cryptocurrency
Bitcoin City, President of El Salvador unveils the design of the first…

A city financed with 10 bonds of 1 billion in cryptocurrency, half will be invested and…

Rinnovabili • fossil-fuels
Fossil fuels finance, mind blowing figures, 4.600 billion from 2016 to today

The Banking on Climate Chaos report prepaid by 7 environmental NGOs analyzes the performance of the…

Rinnovabili • Net-zero commitments
Towards global standards to assess companies’ Net-zero commitments

The UN announces the establishment of a group of experts that by the end of 2022…

Rinnovabili • sustainable investments
Sustainable investments, an “amber” category for gas in taxonomy

The opinion of the European Platform on Sustainable Finance partially rejects the final text of the…

Rinnovabili • Environmental impact
Environmental impact: the demand for finance to 10 thousand companies

680 financial institutions have asked the boards of 10,400 companies, to make known through CDP their…

Rinnovabili • eurobond
Eurobonds to finance energy spending, EU is tempted

According to rumors by Bloomberg, the EU Commission is preparing a plan for the joint issuance…