
Rinnovabili • Renewable Energy in Germany Provides 59% of Electricity Production
Renewable Energy in Germany Provides 59% of Electricity Production

With nearly 20 GW of capacity added in a single year, Germany's renewable energy sources have solidified their position as the cornerstone of the national energy mix.…

Rinnovabili • Sustainable Finance: New EU Rules Challenge Climate Bank
EU Climate Bank Faces Sustainability Challenge…

The European Investment Bank warns that new EU green finance rules could…

Rinnovabili • Green Jobs: Demand Outpaces Supply
Green Jobs Are Leading the Transition,…

Green jobs are key to the energy transition, but the World Economic…

Rinnovabili • global carbon markets
Record for global carbon markets: USD 104 billion in 2023

There are now 75 operating instruments that charge a price for CO2 emissions worldwide. In 10…

Rinnovabili • Reform of the Electricity Market
Reform of the Electricity Market, the coming news

With the last formal approval, that of the EU Council, the new rules on the design…

Rinnovabili • critical minerals
Few investments in copper and lithium, IEA alarm on critical minerals for…

Between now and 2035, the announced or already mobilized investments for two of the key minerals…

Rinnovabili • BayWa re
BayWa re wins first commercial floating wind rod

The German multinational in a consortium with Elicio wins the French tender to build a 250…

Rinnovabili • economic impact of the climate crisis
The economic impact of the climate crisis will be 6 times higher…

Using a new approach to calculate the damage caused by the climate crisis, especially through extreme…

Rinnovabili • Transparent bamboo
Circular Economy
Transparent bamboo for the glass of the future (and solar cells)

Made from bamboo a transparent material with a fire barrier and can limit the emission of…

Rinnovabili • light electric vehicle
Mobility & Transportation
Trends in the main light electric vehicle markets in 2023

This is how sales of light electric vehicles went last year in the four target markets:…

Rinnovabili • delays in decarbonisation
The delays in decarbonisation will make us exceed 1.5 degrees already in…

This year, half of the world’s population goes to the polls, including in the EU and…

Rinnovabili • greenwashing in the financial sector
EU authorities explain how to improve the contrast of greenwashing in the…

The final reports of ESMA, EBA and EIOPA converge on a shared definition of greenwashing and…

Rinnovabili • produce diesel from plastic
In the USA they managed to produce diesel from plastic

American scientists have found a process to produce diesel from plastic that aims to reduce waste…

Rinnovabili •
ABB’s HDP Motors: Unbeatable Performance for Industrial Machines

High power density, low inertia, easy installation, and extensive design flexibility to customize the product to…

Rinnovabili • Electricity prices
Electricity prices in European markets continue to rise

In the fourth week of April, the prices of the main European electricity markets increased compared…