

Rinnovabili • Rare Earth Recovery: How to Extract Them from Permanent Magnets
Here is the “sponge” that recovers rare earth elements from permanent magnets and wastewater

From Korea, a study on an innovative material to recover certain metals from rare earth elements, valuable for the electronics and automotive industries

Rinnovabili • Extracting gold from electronic waste: efficiency increases tenfold
With this ecological sponge, extracting gold…

A material made of graphene oxide and chitosan allows for the extraction…

Rinnovabili • recyclable printed circuits
A new material opens up recyclable…

Made by Meta and Boston MIT, the polymer aims to replace normal…

Rinnovabili • gravity batteries
Converting abandoned mines into gravity batteries thanks to sand

The new technique developed by IIASA is called Underground Gravity Energy Storage (UGES) and exploits the…

Rinnovabili • Recovery of critical raw materials
Recovery of critical raw materials: mine is TEP time

A process developed by researchers at Ohio State University, called trap-extract-precipitate, manages to recover rare earth…

Rinnovabili • recycling-plastic-PET
Tyres made from recycling plastic PET: Continental’s innovation

A line of circular tyres, produced by the recycling of plastic PET bottles. ContiRe.Tex is expected…

Rinnovabili • food-sustainability
Food sustainability: new sweetener from fruit waste

Circular economy, waste reduction and food sustainability are the goals of Fooditive. The Dutch company recycles…

Rinnovabili • Sustainable fabrics
Sustainable fabrics, what is the Brussels strategy to close the circle?

Two reports by the European Environment Agency (EEA) calculate the environmental and climate footprint of this…