The SMTC Academy was founded in Turin, an advanced training course whose mission is to prepare new professional figures related to the world of sustainable mobility
A specific training path for sustainable mobility
( – Sustainable mobility plays an essential role in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The third mission of the plan, in fact, reserves investments for 25 billion euros with the objective to render the infrastructural net of the transport, modern, digital, sustainable and interconnected. But for a sector in full evolution, other “resources” are also needed today. We need professionals who can accompany change and in some cases anticipate it. The SMTC Academy, the first high school dedicated to the professionalism of sustainable mobility, is well aware of this. Founded in Turin in 2021, the academy is the first instrument of the National SMTC Pole wanted by the Government with the DL Sostegni. And today it is ready to enable managers to the new technologies and solutions of mobility in optics 4.0. Or, to use the term coined by the same SMTC, to come in the shoes of the Sustainable Mobility Leader, a sort of 360-degree evolution of the current mobility manager.
From Mobility Manager to Sustainable Mobility Leader
With the interministerial decree Sustainable mobility in urban areas of 27 March 1998, Italy introduced for the first time the figure of mobility manager, the head of corporate mobility. An intervention that involved public bodies with more than 300 employees per local unit and companies with a total of over 800 employees. The task of the Mobility Manager? Draw up the PSCL, that is, the Home-to-Work Travel Plan, and according to this organize the mobility of employees with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact and vehicular traffic.
But for the all-out application of had to wait for the DL Rilancio of 2020. The measure has, in fact, made this figure mandatory for all companies or public administrations with more than 100 employees and located in municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. By defining precise deadlines and incentives. The regulatory intervention came not by chance in the middle of the pandemic when many companies and administrations found themselves having to rethink the respective modalities of mobility management.
The decree has in fact accompanied a change that has become unavoidable. However, there are other structural changes that are changing the transport sector, from digitalization to decarbonization, to a new concept of multimodality.
This is where the Sustainable Mobility Leader comes in.
Sustainable Mobility Leaders are key professional figures in the field of mobility, necessarily equipped with a systemic and multidisciplinary vision with which to manage the fast and branched transformations underway. Professionals are able to structure innovative tools and solutions to increase the production methods and competitiveness of the road, rail, water and air transport sector, with a view to sustainability 4.0. And to answer, and if possible anticipate market needs and problems.
SMTC Academy, to train managers of the future
It is a real school of higher education, a concrete tool of the Pole of Sustainable Mobility and the Manufactory of Turin, consisting of Polytechnic, University of Studies, CIM4.0, City of Turin, API, Turin Industrial Union and Chamber of Commerce of Turin.
The school is aimed at the middle management of the public and private sector, innovation and R&D managers, those who develop smart cities, mobility services and new means of transport. But also service managers and planners and managers who want to retrain themselves to access new job opportunities.
The aim of the Academy is to adapt and increase individual skills through a cross-sectoral and multi-sectoral approach, based not only on scientific and academic notions but also on collaborative exercises and practical tests. And under the guidance of those who are already protagonists of the digital and ecological revolution of mobility, reality and excellence in the field of sustainable innovation applied to transport. A “learning by doing” aimed at enabling the rapid transfer of technological and managerial know-how to young people and workers.
The SMTC Academy offers them a 300-hour training course, in hybrid mode (remotely and in presence) and with a high experiential content, aimed at creating “capacity“. The empirical aspect of learning, of the individual as of the group, is consolidated with the development in groups of project work, aimed at solving a real and current business challenge, through the methodologies provided during the lectures.
The path will allow training the application and managerial skills in a series of key areas, from the management of services and infrastructure for mobility to the business model strategy, from the supply chain to the supply network, from creating new opportunities to managing legal issues.