
Climate Change

Rinnovabili • Climate Change: New Study Reveals Its Impact on Earthquakes
Climate Change
Climate Change Increases Earthquake Activity

Melting glaciers can destabilize active faults in mountain ranges, amplifying seismic activity by up to five times

Rinnovabili • Tourism Emissions: Growing Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Economy
Climate Change
The Other Side of Overtourism: The…

The carbon intensity of every euro spent on tourism is four times…

Rinnovabili • Insurance Costs: The Role of Climate Change
Climate Change
Insurance costs rise as climate-related damages…

Climate change is having an increasing economic impact, but insurance companies continue…

Rinnovabili • climate risk
If we respect the 1.5 degrees, the climate risk drops by 44%

The research team used 21 alternative climate models to simulate regional climate change models corresponding to…

Rinnovabili • extreme-heat
Extreme heat sets new records across the northern hemisphere

From Japan to Siberia, from Central Asia to the Eastern United States, to Europe, thermometers are…

Rinnovabili • climate-change
How much does it cost to ignore climate change?

Climate inaction, within 50 years, can eat something like $178 trillion in economic growth. Especially in…

Rinnovabili • global-warming
Global warming in the Arctic runs up to 7 times faster than…

The region with the most pronounced trend is the northern part of the Barents Sea. Between…

Rinnovabili • soil-biodiversity
Changing climate destroys soil biodiversity

An experimental study by the University of Oklahoma, which lasted 7 years, monitored changes in the…

Rinnovabili • Water resources
The “Third Pole” melts: the imbalance of water resources in the Himalayas…

From the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush, 10 of the largest rivers in Asia are born.…

Rinnovabili • melting-glacier
Record melting for the most unstable glaciers in the South Pole

The Imperial College London study analyzes the behavior of the Thwaites and Pine Island glacial masses…

Rinnovabili • climate change
Climate change, the EU will create the perfect city

118 regions and local authorities have joined the EU Climate Change Adaptation Mission. Real change starts…

Rinnovabili • hurricane-season
A hurricane season above average approaches again in the Atlantic

The estimates of the American Noaa speak of 3-6 hurricanes of category 3 or superior, with…

Rinnovabili • climate disasters
Insurance companies are also unprepared for climate disasters

A study by Capgemini and Emsa takes a snapshot of how insurance companies prepare for a…

Rinnovabili • coral-reef
Mass death of corals, affected 91% of the coral reef

The first monitoring after the March-April bleaching event confirms the expectations. The damage to the reef…

Rinnovabili • Drought
Drought warning: for the UN humanity “is at a crossroads”

By 2030 extreme water scarcity could generate 700 million new climate migrants. Original news Second UN…