
Climate Change

Rinnovabili • Climate Change: New Study Reveals Its Impact on Earthquakes
Climate Change
Climate Change Increases Earthquake Activity

Melting glaciers can destabilize active faults in mountain ranges, amplifying seismic activity by up to five times

Rinnovabili • Tourism Emissions: Growing Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Economy
Climate Change
The Other Side of Overtourism: The…

The carbon intensity of every euro spent on tourism is four times…

Rinnovabili • Insurance Costs: The Role of Climate Change
Climate Change
Insurance costs rise as climate-related damages…

Climate change is having an increasing economic impact, but insurance companies continue…

Rinnovabili • Vital parameters of the Earth, 25 out of 35 reach extreme records
Climate Change
Vital parameters of the Earth, 25 out of 35 reach extreme records

The “2024 State of the Climate” report highlights a deterioration, with 20 red-alert indicators in 2023.…

Rinnovabili • The LNG imported from the United States pollutes 30% more than coal
Climate Change
The LNG imported from the United States pollutes 30% more than coal

A study by Cornell University calculates the carbon footprint of liquefied natural gas by including all…

Rinnovabili • What would life be like in cities if global warming exceeded 3 degrees?
Climate Change
What would life be like in cities if global warming exceeded 3…

A report from the World Resources Institute (WRI) shows what would happen in cities if global…

Rinnovabili • Planetary boundaries: the 7th (out of 9) has almost been exceeded as well
Climate Change
We have almost exceeded another Planetary boundaries

The global indicator for ocean acidification, the aragonite saturation state, has worsened and is very close…

Rinnovabili • Amazon and Pantanal fires: record high, the most in 20 years
Climate Change
The year 2024 will be the worst for fires in the Amazon…

Half of the fires have devastated areas of old-growth forest. Emissions are on track to surpass…

Rinnovabili • Extreme events in Italy in the data released by Anbi. Cloudbursts account for more than half of the total. A particular concentration of events occurred in the first two weeks of September.
Climate Change
In 2024, nearly 1,900 extreme events in Italy

The data released by Anbi. More than half of the total are cloudbursts. A particular concentration…

Rinnovabili • Climate change: the degradation of the cryosphere generates tsunamis
Climate Change
Climate change: the degradation of the cryosphere generates tsunamis

The glacier retreat caused by rising temperatures led to a rockslide of 25 million cubic meters…

Rinnovabili • Antarctic Glaciers
Climate Change
Antarctic Glaciers: Decisions Today Will Shape Their Fate in 300 Years

We are making decisions today that will determine the future of Antarctica's glaciers 300 years from…

Rinnovabili • Planetary Boundaries
Climate Change
Planetary Boundaries: How to Make the Future Fair as Well as Safe

Integrating equity into the historical concept of Planetary Boundaries—this is the goal of a groundbreaking study…

Rinnovabili • Global Warming
Climate Change
Global Warming: Summer 2024 is the Hottest on Record

With August, we now have 13 months exceeding 1.5°C over the last 14 months. From January…

Rinnovabili • Cost of the climate change
Climate Change
Cost of the climate change in Africa already nears 9% of GDP

Extreme weather events, which are becoming more frequent and intense, along with the need to adapt…

Rinnovabili • CO2 Capture and Storage
Climate Change
Realistic Global Capacity for CO2 Capture and Storage: New Study Reveals Limits

A study published in Nature Communications provides an estimate of the global maximum capacity for CO2…