
Extreme heat sets new records across the northern hemisphere


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In Norilsk, Siberia, the extreme heat brought tropical nights

(Sustainabilityenvironment) – There is not only Europe under an abnormal heat hood for the season. Many other regions of the northern hemisphere are going through a period of extreme heat, with several temperature records broken in this hot end of June.

The African anticyclone that in recent days has turned Europe has managed to stretch to Russia. The result was recorded by the meteorological station of Norilsk, a city in the Arctic at over 69 degrees north latitude. On June 23, the thermometer rose to 32,000ºF, equalling the previous record for extreme heat for any month in 2013. And at night, the mercury column didn’t drop below 20,000, giving the Siberian city a tropical night. The thermal anomaly is impressive: on average June highs should be 10°C and minimum 3°C.

Read also A study rewrites the ranking of the most intense heat waves ever

Extreme heat even in Japan. Also on June 23, there are 14 places in the Japanese archipelago that broke previous records for June. Nobeoka, in the southern prefecture of Miyazaki, reached 36.1 C, as well as Aoya. It should be noted that in most cases, the records dated back to a few years ago: often 2021 or 2018, only in two cases out of 14 go back to the last century.

A very intense heat wave is stationed in Xinjiang, the great north-western province of China. Temperatures here yesterday reached 46.5 ºC in the Turfan Depression, the warmest area in the region where the record is distant, at 49°C (in July). High night temperatures with 35°C minimum.

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