
Rinnovabili • Climate Change: New Study Reveals Its Impact on Earthquakes
Climate Change
Climate Change Increases Earthquake Activity

Melting glaciers can destabilize active faults in mountain ranges, amplifying seismic activity by up to five times

Rinnovabili • Tourism Emissions: Growing Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Economy
Climate Change
The Other Side of Overtourism: The…

The carbon intensity of every euro spent on tourism is four times…

Rinnovabili • Insurance Costs: The Role of Climate Change
Climate Change
Insurance costs rise as climate-related damages…

Climate change is having an increasing economic impact, but insurance companies continue…

Rinnovabili • climate-report
Scientific Reports
How many emissions do we have left? All scenarios in the new…

The chapter on mitigation measures (WG3) of Assessment Report 6 presents 8 new emissive scenarios. Those…

Rinnovabili • climate-disasters
Climate disasters, floods dominated 2021

Compared to the previous year, in 2021 the damage caused by extreme climatic disasters grew by…

Rinnovabili • bitcoin
Bitcoin in the crosshairs: campaign starts to reduce the energy consumption of…

Bitcoin takes 11 times more energy than rival Ethereum for every single transaction. The reason? Two…

Rinnovabili • Radioactive Waste Storage
All ready for the national radioactive waste storage, Sogin publishes CNAI by…

Italy is under EU infringement for delays on national radioactive waste storage (Sustainabilityenvironment.com) – Closer and…

Rinnovabili • microplastics
Microplastics found in human blood for the first time

The Immunoplast research project demonstrated that plastic pollution has now also made its way into the…

Rinnovabili • Solar-powered desalination
Water Management
Solar-powered desalination MIT system costs only 4 dollars

Created a new high efficiency passive solar-powered desalination system based on economical materials

Rinnovabili • world-water-day
Scientific Reports
World Water Day 2022, the most valuable water hides

For 30 years, the United Nations celebrating this anniversary with events across the globe to raise…

Rinnovabili • Plastic packaging
Plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables: stop from France and Spain

From 1 January 2022, the obligation for France to sell fresh fruit and vegetables without plastic…

Rinnovabili • Water cycle
Water Management
Water cycle: changing at double speed due to global warming

A study published in the journal Nature calculates that the movement of water from the warmer…

Rinnovabili • Environmental impact
Environmental impact: the demand for finance to 10 thousand companies

680 financial institutions have asked the boards of 10,400 companies, to make known through CDP their…

Rinnovabili • Plastic Pollution
Historic agreement for the World Plastic Pollution Treaty

The United Nations Environment Assembly passes the first resolution to end global plastic pollution, a key…

Rinnovabili • Methane emissions
Zero methane emissions by 2030, the promise of Big Oil

The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) announces that it wants to cut flaring and venting…