
Rinnovabili • Climate Change: New Study Reveals Its Impact on Earthquakes
Climate Change
Climate Change Increases Earthquake Activity

Melting glaciers can destabilize active faults in mountain ranges, amplifying seismic activity by up to five times

Rinnovabili • Tourism Emissions: Growing Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Economy
Climate Change
The Other Side of Overtourism: The…

The carbon intensity of every euro spent on tourism is four times…

Rinnovabili • Insurance Costs: The Role of Climate Change
Climate Change
Insurance costs rise as climate-related damages…

Climate change is having an increasing economic impact, but insurance companies continue…

Rinnovabili • IPCC climate change report
Scientific Reports
IPCC climate change report: how we change our lives and what we…

IPCC report on climate change: how we change our lives and what we risk emporarily exceeding…