
Rinnovabili • Climate Change in 2024: 550 Billion in Water Disaster Damages
Water Management
The Water Cycle Is Out of Control: $550 Billion in Damages in 2024

Global Water Monitor 2024 Highlights the Devastating Impact of Climate Change on Water-Related Extremes

Rinnovabili • Aerogel: A Low-Cost Solution to Freshwater Scarcity
Water Management
Freshwater Shortage? Extract It from Air…

Revolutionary aerogel absorbs water vapor from the air and converts it into…

Rinnovabili • Global Warming Could Increase Tsunami Risks in the Mediterranean by 30%
Climate Change
Global Warming to Increase Tsunami Risk…

Global warming is set to heighten tsunami dangers in the Mediterranean by…

Rinnovabili • climate crisis adaptation
Climate Change
$21 billion to finance climate crisis adaptation in 700 global cities

More than 80% of the more than 1,100 cities that disclose data on their climate performance…

Rinnovabili • Canadian wildfires
Canadian wildfires in 2023 polluted 4 times more than all aircraft

The new estimates provided by the World Resource Institute set at around 3 GtCO2 the emissions…

Rinnovabili •
In 30 years, extreme heat in metropolises has increased by 52%

In 20 of the world’s most populous capitals, where more than 300 million people live, between…

Rinnovabili • microplastics in water
Water Management
Class action against microplastics in bottled water in USA

Consumer groups are calling in companies for microplastics in bottled water not declared originally

Rinnovabili • emissions of cargo aircraft
Air transport has the long Covid: emissions of cargo aircraft +25% on…

A Stand.Earth report reconstructs the shift of logistics from sea to air for freight transport. The…

Rinnovabili • CO2 in the atmosphere
CO2 in the atmosphere: double it will lead us to +7°C

A study published in Nature Communications recalculates climate sensitivity to the balance of the Planet and…

Rinnovabili • CO2 removal
CO2 removal, CDR solutions must quadruple to meet 1.5 ºC

The global map of carbon dioxide removal solutions sets current capacity at -2.2 billion tons per…

Rinnovabili • global warming
The next 5 years of global warming bring us closer to “climate…

The World Meteorological Organization’s forecasts for 2024-2028 put the probability at 47% that the five-year average…

Rinnovabili •
The sulfur emissions of the ships have caused the records of global…

For the first time, a study quantifies the climate impact of reducing marine pollution. Since 2020,…

Rinnovabili • PFAS pollution in waters
PFAS pollution in waters UE is alarming

Pesticide Action Network survey identified PFAS pollution levels in 10 countries above legal limits

Rinnovabili • Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions “pollute the marine environment”: Itlos ruling

The advisory opinion of the independent UN body does not legally oblige states to reduce their…

Rinnovabili • microplastics in the oceans
What does it take to reduce the levels of microplastics in the…

A study published in Environmental Research Letters estimates that even cutting 20% of the world’s plastic…