

Rinnovabili • Global Plastic Pollution Treaty: INC-5, Decision in 2025
Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution: The Meeting is Set for 2025

In Busan, South Korea, the latest round of negotiations decided to go into "extra time." The treaty was initially set to be finalized this year, but delegations…

Rinnovabili • Global Plastic Treaty: Negotiations are Failing in Korea
The “Plastic COP” is about to…

On Sunday, December 1st, the INC-5, the 5th and final round of…

Rinnovabili • Supramolecular plastic, it biodegrades in the sea in 10 days.
Here is the biodegradable supramolecular plastic…

Japanese researchers have developed a new durable plastic that will not pollute…

Rinnovabili • air-quality
Air quality in Europe, in 2020 more than 300 thousand premature deaths…

Europe is in line with the target of reducing the number of premature deaths due to…

Rinnovabili • endothermic vehicles
The bubble of the endothermic vehicles: so the automotive will exceed the…

A report by Greenpeace Germany and other academic partners calculates 53 Gt CO2 as the residual…

Rinnovabili •
Chronic pollution exposure damages the immune system

A study by Columbia University showed that prolonged and chronic exposure to pollution weakens immune cells,…

Rinnovabili • antibiotic resistance
Largest global meat brands favor antibiotic resistance

A survey by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism reveals that suppliers of major meat processing brands,…

Rinnovabili • PFAS and PFOA
Water Management
New limits for PFAS and PFOA: 116 scientists against WHO

In a letter to the World Health Organisation, scientists from PFAS and PFOA call for a…

Rinnovabili • Dieselgate scandal
Dieselgate scandal, the rigged device was designed at the desk

Emails and internal documents dated between 2006 and 2015 reveal that the four big German cars…

Rinnovabili • emissions from buildings
Off-track buildings emissions: reached the historical maximum of 10GtCO2

Investments in efficiency increase and the intensity of emissions decreases, but the built surface also grows.…

Rinnovabili • nord stream
North Stream 1 and 2 Failure: What is the impact on the…

In the first few hours, the three holes together released 500 tons of methane per hour…

Rinnovabili • air-pollution
7 citizens bring Berlin to court for air pollution

For the first time in Germany, the state ends up in the dock for violating the…

Rinnovabili • pollution in the Mediterranean sea
Plastic pollution and ocean acidification: there is a link

Ocean acidification and plastic pollution are two of the biggest problems facing our waters. A Spanish…

Rinnovabili • air quality
A “climate penalty” on air quality, the alarm of the WMO

More emissions from fires and increased ground-level ozone production are two expected effects of the climate…

Rinnovabili •
Fire in Europe emissions record during the summer. And fires triple

Only 2007, 2005 and 2003 recorded more emissions. This year up to 3 September in Europe…