
Water Management

Rinnovabili • Saltwater Intrusion: By 2100, Saline Water in 77% of Global Aquifers
Water Management
Saltwater Intrusion: By 2100, Saline Water in 77% of Global Aquifers

In the scenario accounting for both reduced aquifer recharge and rising sea levels, saltwater intrusion in Italy remains relatively limited

Rinnovabili • Drought is a global reality
Water Management
Drought is a global reality

Drought has become a reality affecting the entire world, driven by climate…

Rinnovabili • Water resources in Europe, the state of water
Water Management
Why the resilience of water resources…

The resilience of water resources in Europe is at risk due to…

Rinnovabili • Planetary boundary
Water Management
We have crossed the planetary boundary for fresh water

A new analysis carried out by the Stockholm Resilience Centre shows that the freshwater indicator far…

Rinnovabili • public-water
Water Management
Public water utility in the Constitution: Chile says no (for now)

The 52 proposals for amendments to the Charter of Fundamental Rights - written by the dictator…

Rinnovabili • water-management
Water Management
Water management the smart water approach of Schneider Electric

Water is a precious resource but also limited and increasingly at risk. Preserving and reducing waste…

Rinnovabili • Solar-powered desalination
Water Management
Solar-powered desalination MIT system costs only 4 dollars

Created a new high efficiency passive solar-powered desalination system based on economical materials

Rinnovabili • Water cycle
Water Management
Water cycle: changing at double speed due to global warming

A study published in the journal Nature calculates that the movement of water from the warmer…