
Saipem and Subsea7 Join Forces to Create a Global Leader in Energy Services

Saipem and Subsea7 Merge to Create Energy Services Giant

Milan, Luxembourg, February 23, 2025 – Saipem and Subsea7 have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining the key terms of a potential merger (the “Proposed Combination“). The merger would establish a global leader in the energy services sector.

Key Highlights of the Merger

Strategic Rationale Behind the Merger

Saipem and Subsea7’s management teams believe the creation of a global energy services leader is well justified, given the increasing scale and complexity of client projects. The companies’ market offerings and geographic footprints are highly complementary, ensuring enhanced value for shareholders in both the current and future market environments.

Key Benefits for Clients:

Shareholder Value Creation:

Transaction Structure & Shareholding

Terms of the Deal

Organizational Structure of Saipem7

Saipem7 will operate four business divisions:

  1. Offshore Engineering & Construction – To be housed within a semi-autonomous subsidiary operating under the “Subsea7 – a Saipem7 Company” brand, headquartered in London. This unit will include all existing Subsea7 activities and Saipem’s Asset-Based Services segment, contributing approximately 83% of group EBITDA.
  2. Onshore Engineering & Construction – Focused on risk reduction and profitability maximization.
  3. Sustainable Infrastructures – Targeting expansion in the Italian market with potential international growth.
  4. Offshore Drilling – Continuing its strategy to maximize EBITDA and cash flow.

Shareholder Compensation & Dividends

Governance & Lock-Up Agreements

Siem Industries, CDP Equity, and Eni have signed a separate MoU supporting the merger. They have also agreed on a Shareholder Agreement that will take effect upon completion of the transaction, including:

Timeline & Regulatory Approvals

Conference Call Details

Saipem and Subsea7 executives will host a conference call on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 10:00 AM CET to discuss the transaction. Join the call at: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/az2o9ou7/

Presentation materials will be available on www.saipem.com and www.subsea7.com, with a recording available post-call.


Saipem’s advisors: Goldman Sachs International (lead financial), Deutsche Bank AG Milan (financial), Clifford Chance LLP (legal for Italian, English, U.S., and Luxembourg law), Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS (Norwegian legal counsel).

Subsea7’s advisors: Kirk Lovegrove & Company (lead financial), Deloitte LLP (financial), Freshfields LLP (legal for Italian, English, and U.S. law), Elvinger Hoss Prussen SA (Luxembourg legal), Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm AS (Norwegian legal).

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