Here’s the mini PEC reactor to produce solar hydrogen
Three Fraunhofer institutes have joined forces to develop a modular and flexible solution for direct solar hydrogen generation
Editorial Team•8 July 2024
Mobility & Transportation
Combustion engine: a new “record” hydrogen…
A team of engineers from the University of Bath reigned a world…
19 April 2024
Tech innovations and Startups
Largest liquid hydrogen engine ready to…
Successfully tested a megawatt-class fuel cell powertrain, integrated with a proprietary Universal…
4 March 2024
Tech innovations and Startups
Solhyd Project, the home solar panel panel that produces hydrogen
The system, designed by researchers at KU Leuven University in Belgium, is capable of generating H2…
14 November 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
A new photocatalyst to produce hydrogen from hydrogen sulphide
LED lights and gold nanoparticles to produce hydrogen from refinery waste
2 November 2022
Hydrogen Renewable energy: 30% of global projects are in Europe but investments…
To stimulate investments in green hydrogen, the European Commission is preparing to launch the new Innovation…
27 October 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
Is hydrogen diesel engine the future?
A group of engineers in Australia has converted a diesel engine into a dual-fuel system capable…
12 October 2022
The largest floating wind project – hydrogen? It will arise in Italy
Aquaterra and Seawind sign an agreement for the development of HyMed, mega hub of green energy…
29 September 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
World’s largest electrolyzer produces 100kg of green hydrogen per hour
The maxi plant, built by HydrogenPro, has recently arrived at the test center in Hersomeone. At…
16 September 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
Hydrogen powered boat: the Futura sailboat is born
The boat, built by a multidisciplinary team of researchers ENEA, can move to the electric prolusion,…
9 September 2022
Producing hydrogen from water “without energy”
UC Santa Cruz chemists have developed a simple method to create aluminum nanoparticles that split water…
5 September 2022
Policy and Affairs
Canadian green hydrogen for Germany: the 2 countries sign the Alliance
Habeck: "We want to build specifically a transatlantic supply chain for green hydrogen"
25 August 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
Airbus studies the condensation trails of hydrogen aircraft
Blue Condor project will bring a modified hydrogen glider up to 10,000 meters to analyze the…
3 August 2022
Tech innovations and Startups
Hydrogen powder, the technological breakthrough of Deakin University
Developed a new process to separate, store and transport huge amounts of gas safely and without…
22 July 2022
Green hydrogen from waste water, if energy meets water safety
Creating a distributed infrastructure of small-scale, wastewater-capable electrolysers could make green hydrogen production more economical and…