
Rinnovabili • COP28 climate summit
Policy and Affairs
COP28 climate summit: where are we on the farewell to fossils?

All the options considered in the new text under discussion mention the phase out. But the outcome is still open and the goal can be weakened. Many…

Rinnovabili • Cop28 Climate Summit
Policy and Affairs
Cop28 Climate Summit, 1st draft final…

Analysis of the 3 options on the phase-out of the fossils considered…

Rinnovabili • fossil phase-out
Policy and Affairs
Will the fossil phase-out remain outside…

At the mid-term negotiations in Bonn is immediately clash on the hottest…

Rinnovabili • fossil fuel
Policy and Affairs
Launched the 1st global fossil fuels registry

Counting the proven reserves, the remaining fossil sources would emit 3,500 Gt of CO2e into the…