Rinnovabili • Urban Expansion, Artificial Intelligence Will Help Us Control It
Urban Expansion, Artificial Intelligence Will Help Us Control It

A new software to predict and control urban expansion by 'training' AI. It is an online platform capable of reading maps and transforming them into models for…

Rinnovabili • most efficient smartphone
The most efficient and minimalist smartphone…

It resembles an e-reader, guarantees privacy and long battery life. From Poland,…

Rinnovabili • UK Approves Drones for Inspecting Offshore Wind Turbines
UK Approves Drones for Inspecting Offshore…

The UK Civil Aviation Authority has announced the names of the projects…

Rinnovabili • Quality of life
Real Estate
Quality of life: only the best management of data becomes a smart…

Being a smart city means knowing how to transform a huge flow of data collected into…

Rinnovabili • toxic chemicals
Tech innovations and Startups
AI could reduce animal testing of toxic chemicals

Identifying toxic chemicals with artificial intelligence techniques can close the era of laboratory testing

Rinnovabili • robot-bees
Tech innovations and Startups
Eight robot bees to save an entire ecosystem, Durham’s bet

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and micro-robotics. These are the ingredients of RoboRoyale, the EU-funded project that…

Rinnovabili • solar panels on the roof
Tech innovations and Startups
Install solar panels on the roof, as AI helps increase efficiency

Thanks to some artificial intelligence programs developed by a researcher from the University of Gävle, it…

Rinnovabili • coral reef
Tech innovations and Startups
An artificial coral reef to restore marine ecosystems

The Veterinary Medical Aquatic Animal Research Center of Excellence (VMARCE) of the University of Chulalongkorn has…

Rinnovabili • artificial intelligence
Tech innovations and Startups
Italy experiments artificial intelligence to improve building efficiency

A team of Italian researchers used Artificial Intelligence to simulate some energy strategies achieving a 13%…